My Path to Wellness and Abundance
Since 2017, I have been looking for healing and development for myself as a well-rounded human being. I’ve concluded that wellness in body, mind and spirit is the foundation for all my life experiences. The journey is still ongoing but I have grown so much since I committed myself to it.
Here are some programs and books that I’d love to share with you.
- Non-violent communication by Marshall Rosenberg- It transformed the way I think about communication. It focuses on expressing our individual needs and not blaming the other person for our needs not being met.
- Lifebook by Jon and Missy Butcher — Great framework to think about main pillars in designing a fulfilling and well-rounded life in terms of purpose, vision and strategy.
- Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy by Marisa Peer — Rethinking our limiting beliefs and remembering that we are enough for a life of abundance.
- Iron John by Robert Bly — Understanding the masculine psyche and how wounded it is in collective society
- She: Understanding Feminine Psychology by Robert Johnson — Understanding the feminine psyche development through a Greek myth.
- Embodied Feminine Institute by Gio Toccacelli: A yearlong coaching program for women to heal toxic patterns in relationships and self-worth. Awesome Facebook community.
- Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh — Rethink spirituality, religion and our relations to each other and life.
- Superbrain by Jim Kwik — He is a great coach for understanding how we learn and remember things.
- Thai Traditional Massage in Chiang Mai — A holistic massage therapy technique that rejuvenates both the giver and receiver. Super fun and healing!
- Vipassana (10 Day silent meditation retreat) — Worldwide movement of silent meditation retreats, free with donations.
- Hypnotherapy sessions with my best friend Dinese Yoong based in Malaysia.
My Daily Rituals
- Six-phase meditation by Vishen Lakhiani — Active meditation incorporating relaxation, gratitude, forgiveness, visualization and self-empowerment in 15 minutes.
- Daily Energy Routine by Donna Eden — 8 minute exercise to ground and balance our energy.
- Eight Brocades (Ba Duan Jin) Qi Gong — Traditional Qi Gong for general wellbeing
- Tai Chi 24 Form Standard — Peace-centered workout for balance and strength
- Offline hour for reading/journaling — Unplug for an hour daily
- Daily Check-in or Heart Journal — Inspired by a friend, I track my discipline in keeping up my routine and how my heart is feeling. I also note a highlight of the day and why I love myself.
- Inner Heartwork/Hypnotherapy — I take time to journal or meditate on my shadows and limiting beliefs so I can heal them all and move on.
- Intermittent Fasting — I follow the Traditional Chinese Medicine clock and fast after breakfast, lunch and a light dinner whenever I can. I eat from 8.45am to 4.45pm window and just drink water/tea outside that window.
- Whole-foods-plant-based diet — I keep a plant-based diet with minimal processed ingredients, I still eat olive oil and coconut oil. This is for environmental and ethical reasons.

Now, I am on my way to become a licensed acupuncturist in the US with a three year program at the Worcester campus of Massachusetts College of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. I look forward to learn more and be a lifelong advocate for wellness.
Thank you for reading and for your great health and abundance my dearest!